Yep Schools Direct Ltd
Online Ordering Terms & Conditions

When placing an order you agree that by using the YEP Schools Direct Ltd website or any part of it is subject to the following terms and conditions:

“All “personal data” (as defined in UK data protection legislation/GDPR) is processed by Yep Schools Direct Ltd in accordance with the law. Further details are available in our GDPR page on the main website

The purchase price and the specifications of all prints, products and images are subject to change without notice, except where Yep Schools Direct Ltd has accepted your online order and agreed to provide the images or products at the prices shown when the order was placed. Late orders will be subject to the current rates displayed on the website and not those presented on the proof card, if the “Return your order to the school by” or “Place your order by” date printed on the proof card has expired.


By accepting these terms and conditions by clicking the check/tick box to complete your order, you have agreed that the order you place is the order you wish to purchase, Yep cannot be held responsible for any incorrectly placed orders. Please do not assume your order is correct, you must check the shopping cart with reference numbers and products to confirm it is as you intend to receive it, Yep will produce the order exactly as you have placed it online, and failure to verify the order is correct before clicking "I ACCEPT THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS" and pay for the order is not the fault of Yep if any errors are made by the person placing the order.


All photographic prints, products and images must be paid in advance by Credit Card or Debit Card by using our online ordering service or verbally by telephone.

By making a payment by Credit or Debit card you confirm that you are at least 18 years of age and are the authorised holder of the Credit Card or Debit Card being used.

All current prices are based upon those displayed on the website and not as shown on the proof card and may incur a delivery charge.

All orders placed on or before the date specified on your proof card, will be delivered back to the school with the 'Main Order' and will not incur a postage or packing charge. The processing and production time for such orders are approximately 10-14 days from the ‘ORDER BY’ date printed on the proof card, (these production times may be longer if public holidays or school holidays occur between those dates).

All late orders will incur a postage and admin charge (see website for current charges) and will be still delivered back directly to the school. Alternatively, on time and late orders can be delivered to an address in the UK Mainland of your choice via a 'signed for courier service' this option is available during the website order process or for orders placed over the telephone.