Normally this is due to individual computer or device setups, geographical issues when using vpn's or your cookies preferences.
We do receive during peak times hundreds of problem free orders per day through the website, however we have also found that some customers do experience issues, we don't have a clear reason why this happens but do think due to regular software updates within devices and many different types of browsers that are available, not all devices may produce the optimal website experience.
To help reduce errors it is very important that your device allows our site to place essential and session cookies on your machine for the site to behave correctly, if you choose to disable these or only have certain cookies enabled your experience may be degraded sufficiently that you cannot actually place or pay for your order.
If you are experiencing problems, where possible try again and use a different browser or a different computer/device.
If you are still experiencing problems, call the office between 10am-2pm on a working day and we should be able to offer some assistance or take your order over the telephone.