Online Ordering Questions & Answers

The 'How to' guide of ordering photos using Yep Online

Your frequently asked questions..
(click each question to expand)

If you place your order before the cut-off date on the proof card your order is 'In-Date', these orders can take on average 10-14 days to produce and ship, however this timeframe starts only after the cut-off date printed on the proof card has expired.
This gives everybody a fair chance to place an order for actual photographs with free inclusive delivery back to the school.

When the order is printed and packed they will be shipped to the school straight away, however in some cases a mid-term break (Easter for example) can add several extra days before the school reopens, thereby delaying handing out the orders to the pupils.

If you have placed a confirmed 'LATE' order and our offices are closed for the Summer break or Christmas break, we will print and dispatch your order when the office re-opens.  Please see the home page notice for the actual date we open again if we are currently closed.

Yep are sorry to say you cannot mix and match images within packs, we have designed our packs to be cost effective individually and whilst we appreciate not everyone will be happy with this answer, our systems and software cannot be easily adapted to consider every possible permutation for a hassle free workflow that would be expected if this was implemented.

If there is a special case where you may have lots of images to consider, please contact us by telephone to discuss your request, whilst we cannot guarantee we can help in every case, there may be some options available to you.

Yes, you can, if you do place a 'LATE' order for photographs (you order after the date printed on the proof) your order will miss the free inclusive delivery back to the school and therefore need to have postage and packing added (options apply).

Dependent on how busy the photo-lab is with 'In-Date' orders, we do need to advise in certain circumstances it can take approximately 21-28 days to print 'LATE' orders but in reality its much quicker.

We have found that in most cases that those customers who order later may decide to purchase the Digital Image Download option, as this does not invoke any delivery charges and is almost instant for you to download to your device, you could probably download your image and have it printed locally at a photo store within just a day or two.

Normally this is due to individual computer or device setups, geographical issues when using vpn's or your cookies preferences.

We do receive during peak times hundreds of problem free orders per day through the website, however we have also found that some customers do experience issues, we don't have a clear reason why this happens but do think due to regular software updates within devices and many different types of browsers that are available, not all devices may produce the optimal website experience.

To help reduce errors it is very important that your device allows our site to place essential and session cookies on your machine for the site to behave correctly, if you choose to disable these or only have certain cookies enabled your experience may be degraded sufficiently that you cannot actually place or pay for your order.

If you are experiencing problems, where possible try again and use a different browser or a different computer/device.

If you are still experiencing problems, call the office between 10am-2pm on a working day and we should be able to offer some assistance or take your order over the telephone.

The Digital Image Download product is just that.. You need to download it after you have placed the order. It is very easy to do, you will need to follow the instructions sent to the email address which you used to register your account when placing the order.

In a nutshell, the easy way is to login to the ordering website again, go to 'My Account' and then go to the 'Downloadable Products' option.. (You can get to this exact point by clicking on the link in the email sent to you when the order was placed) then click on the text that says 'DOWNLOAD IMAGE' next to the order number and it will download to your device.

For those who want a more detailed guide (with easy to recognise screenshots) click here to see the 'How to download your image' pdf file. This explains in easy terms how to download your image in a step by step format.

On the rare occasion that you cannot download the image, call us on 01206 323601 Monday - Friday between 10am to 2pm (during school term times) and our experienced customer service staff can help you.

The Basics

To successfully use our online ordering site you will need five things:


Web Connected Device with Cookies Enabled.

A computer, tablet or smartphone, with cookies enabled and a modern browser. If cookies are not enabled your cart will not save products, and the site will not operate correctly, if you do not want to enable cookies on your device then please call our office to place an order over the telephone..


Image Reference Code

To start, you will need to enter a valid code, this is printed under the image, please ensure to enter the code exactly as printed including the hyphens (- minus sign).
NOTE: If your device uses predictive text/auto complete, we suggest switching it off whilst using this site, as this often causes problems.


Payment Method

Your method of payment should be valid, registered in your name and address and have sufficient funds available for the products you wish to purchase, if you delay (because you didn't transfer funds to the account before the payment screen) the order will probably timeout and you may need to attempt payment again. 


Email Address

Please ensure to enter your email address correctly, if your order is completed correctly you will typically receive three or four emails, if you supply an incorrect email address you will not receive any notifications or even know your order number. When ordering the 'Digital Image Download' option you will need to register to create an account, after you have completed the payment for your order you will then need to 'Log in' to the account to actually download your image.


Your Time

All that's needed is just a few minutes of your time, to create and pay for your order. If you have missed the main order deadline your options for delivery will be charged. For late orders postal delivery to the school an additional £4.50 will be required or courier delivery to any UK Mainland address will be charged at £7.50. 

How to download your image.

How to download your image. 
To help download your image, we have created this simple 'How to' guide which is easy to follow.
Click here to see the pdf guide.

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